Vandalism Damage


Get Help With Your Central Florida Vandalism Insurance Claim 

Are you a commercial or residential property owner? If so, you run the risk of theft and vandalism. Many factors can increase or decrease these risks, including: 

- Location of the property 

- Type of business 

- Type of property 

- Economic level of the area 

- Time of the year 

If you are a victim of vandalism or stolen property, it can be very frustrating. Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting will work tirelessly with owners to get a clear understanding of the scenario and make sure the vandalism damage claim is handled promptly and correctly. 

Your Central Florida Vandalism Damage Public Insurance Adjusters

Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting, has served the greater Central Florida area since the 1980s, has grown in resources to handle vandalism insurance claims professionally.

Burglar Accessing Window — Orange Co. FL — Drew With Stellar

Experts in Vandalism Insurance Claims

Frequently, other firms look to maximize their number of claims, settling on what they think is good enough. Here at Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting, we analyze each claim on a case-by-case basis to determine the proper strategy and approach for the claim. Our goal with every claim is to ensure that the insurance company complies with their obligations to their policyholder, wholly and correctly repaying them for their loss. Our top-notch public insurance adjusters are dedicated to ensuring you receive the care you deserve after experiencing fire damage. Drew’s value propositions include the following: 

  • Free claim analysis. 
  • No fee if there is no recovery. 
  • All claims are processed in-house (we don’t do referrals). 
  • We have seasoned, hand-picked experts in our office. 
Broken Windows — Orange Co. FL — Drew With Stellar

Types of Vandalism

The most common type of property vandalism can occur when tenants are evicted from a commercial or residential property. Property owners enforce their rights to evict, thus upsetting their tenants and leading them to wreak havoc with no regard or respect for the owner or property. 

In some cases, the tenants completely trash the premises, making holes in the walls, graffiti, smashing appliances and fixtures, and many other damaging things. 

This is where Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting comes in. 

We will ensure you have the appropriate coverage and begin outlining the loss to proceed with an insurance claim. 

What Are Vandalism and Theft?

The intentional destruction of property is popularly referred to as vandalism. Some examples include: 

– Breaking windows

– Slashing tires 

– Spray painting a wall with graffiti 

– Destroying a computer system through the use of a computer virus 

Vandalism is a malicious act and may reflect personal ill will, although the perpetrators need not know their victim to commit vandalism. The recklessness of the act imputes both intent and malice. 

Because the destruction of public and private property threatens society, modern statutes make vandalism a crime. The penalties upon conviction depend on the extent of the damage but include the following:

– A fine 

– Jail sentence 

– An order to pay for repairs or replacement 

In addition, a person who commits vandalism may be sued in a civil tort action for damages so that the damaged property can be repaired or replaced. 

In law, the crime of taking the property or services of another without consent is called theft. Under most statutes, theft encompasses the crimes of larceny, robbery, and burglary. Robbery is the crime of taking and carrying away the goods of another with the intent to steal. 

The Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting will approach a vandalism and theft situation clearly with the knowledge and expertise to successfully recover what you deserve. 

How to Get Started on a Vandalism Insurance Claim

If you believe you are the victim of a malicious attack on your home, including damaged assets in your home, car, or business, the first step is to document everything.

Take photos of valuables, appliances, fixtures, computers, and other items. Remember to check with your insurance company regarding specific items and if a specific rider needs to be purchased to maintain coverage. 

A vandalism damage public insurance adjuster advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating an insurance claim. They are the only type of claims adjuster that can legally represent the rights of an insured during an insurance claim process.

Once hired, Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting does the following: 

– We will inspect the property and accurately assess the damage. 

– We will help you file an insurance claim to get the maximum amount. 

– We investigate your home’s past to get a complete picture of the damage history. A public adjuster can open up insurance claims from years ago to explore if a homeowner received a fair and equitable recovery for the vandalism damage. 

– Our team of skilled negotiators will meticulously go through all the evidence and document everything to make sure you get the most out of your settlement. 

– A demand sum is then presented to the insurer for the assessed cost of damages. 

– The cost is negotiated, and a settlement is made. 

We’ll even help coordinate the vendor to help you restore your home, car, and assets to top form!

Cracked Window — Orange Co. FL — Drew With Stellar

Information Needed When Filing A Claim

When filing a vandalism insurance claim, the more information you have, the better. 

To get you started on the vandalism damage claim process, be prepared to provide the following: 

Policyholder information: Name of insured, address, phone number, e-mail, and policy number. 

Description of loss: Time and date of loss, location of the incident, detailed description of damages. 

Authority notification: Please note all authorities notified (fire dept., police, etc.). 

Emergency service companies & damage mitigation: Please let us know if you have already contacted any emergency service companies or performed any damage mitigation. 

Need help filing your vandalism insurance claims or handling an existing one? Our team of public adjusters, attorneys, contractors, mediators, and engineers is here to help. Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting offers a free claim analysis and an online claim platform. 

Contact Drew With Stellar Public Adjusting today at 407-801-9104 and stay informed. 


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If you’ve been the victim of vandalism, call us today at 407-801-9104.

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